Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My favourite piece of technology ^^

The truth is... I have two xD...

The first is my dear computer... I can't live any day without navegate in Internet.
In September 18th, I'd had an horrible experience... my poor computer don't worked in 4 days!... that's was horrible!... I couldn't saw the latest news related with my favourite group, I couldn't enter in the pages that I always visit, I couldn't talk with my friends, I couldn't write, I couldn't listen music, I couldn't saw videos, etc... in summary, without my computer and Internet I'm totally disconnected from my world... My computer have almost 6 years, my dad gift me in Christmas... it's name is Ryuichi :3... and now it's immortal xD... it's awoke from coma xD.

The second is my dear MP3... I love music and I can't live without listen it... I can't go out without him... I use it everyday, every time that I can.
My dad gift me for my latest birthday, becouse I had an MP4... but... it's died xD... and I couldn't continue using the MP3 of my sister xD... it's name is ChangMinnie and it's have my favourite and lovely music :3... I bless to the person who invented it xD... is little and comfortable to take it, and you can change the music every time do you want, not like the old personal stereo or the CD player, that's was very big and uncomfortable, you're limited by the cassete or CD that you put in, and it's impossible to take almost five CD in your bag when you want music... specially when you don't listen music that you can listen in the radio every day and just can get it on Internet :3... that's the reason that my two favourite things are complementary xD.